Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind

Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind
Unbending - Impressionist Abstract Oil Painting of Icelandic autumn nature scenery, original impasto fine art with water and clouds in wind
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Abstract impressionist Iceland nature scenery oil painting, with scenic yellow autumn landscape and blue water whirl clouds in vibrant impasto style. Icelandic Series 2016.

Title: Icelandic 4 - Unbending
Medium: Oil on Ready-to-Hang Canvas
Dimensions: 14 x 10 x 0.5in

The artwork is signed on the front and varnished.

P.s. Image is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. As you are viewing a screen image, the colors may vary slightly for the actual painting. Room images are for illustration purpose only and not to scale.